Donation to Jarake Wildlife Sanctuary

Our work is unfortunately very expensive and no Government funding is received. We rely on our own moneys, donations and the sale of handmade wildlife teats. Raising orphaned native animals include costs such as specially formulated marsupial formula, supplement feed, equipment, maintenance of enclosures…..etc, Often they are injured which acquires additional costs.  Rescues require many different types of equipment for many different circumstances and different animals as well as fuel for traveling to the many locations. We conduct an extensive mange treatment program, covering large areas with hundreds of wombats at an estimated cost of $1,000 per wombat to make a full recovery. Our work with the protection of wombat burrows require much time and traveling out to forests and to meetings. Your kind donation is very much appreciated and as everyone at Jarake Wildlife Sanctuary are volunteers, ALL donations are for the animals. Apart from Paypal, cheques and bank transfer, we also accept credit card via email or by phone. Jarake Wildlife Sanctuary is a registered Charity and if you require a tax-deductible receipt please contact us or make donation to Wombat Protection Society with a notation “Jarake Wildlife”.

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Donation Total: $250.00